Our topic has a space to discuss the easiest crops to grow for profit either in small areas like kitchen gardens or in large areas like acres. If you have a small space in front of your home or a backyard then you need those crops that can meet both your need, one is a small space and the other is to earn a profit on that.
If you have a large area like a big field or a big lawn in front or backside or any side of your bungalow then you have many options, you can grow small crops or you can grow big or large valuable crops. It will decorate your bungalow on the one hand and give you profit on selling on the other hand.
Large areas come in the ambit of proper agriculture and small are in lawn or kitchen gardens. In both cases, you will find the solution here. Just read the full article with devotion to get the sound valuable knowledge to earn highly profitable crops. Let’s dive deep step by step.
Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit
Our topic can be classified into two sub-topics, the one is “Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit In A Small Area” and the other is “Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit On A Large Area”
These two topics are very wide. In this article, the author has explored only 1st topic i.e. Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit In A Small Area, and for the 2nd topic i.e. “Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit On A Large Area”, a list of highly profitable corps will be provided for understanding and comfort.
The author explored genuinely highly valuable crops to meet your need so that you can save time and earn profit by selling your crops. For huge profits on your crops, you have to choose the right product, the right time to grow, and the right market to sell your products as well.
A). Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit In A Small Area

A small area means your kitchen garden, lawn, or your backyard garden. Even you can grow these crops in containers, bags, or big pots as well.
1. Coriander
Coriander can grow from seeds in small pots very easily. It needs little composite, little soil, and little pot but can give you more profit on selling. Just place 3 to 4 bags in your kitchen garden and so coriander seeds. It will grow easily and give you fresh spice for your cooking and profit on selling.
Coriander is also a spice, a herb, a medicinal plant, and a profitable corp as well. So and reap the benefits.
2. Spinach
Spinach is a healthy crop, easy to grow, easy to reap, and profitable. Your kitchen garden can be the crop of spinach, it is highly profitable. For full profit, you can grow it commercially on a large scale. It can be harvested many times after growing once time.
For full profit, you have to go with its commercial production on a large scale. It is a great profitable business, don’t worry about spinach, it is very strong and grows very easily.
3. Garlic
Garlic is also profitable gardening, easy to grow and easy to reap. For your kitchen just place 2 to 3 bags can give you fresh at every cooking. And place 5 to 10 bags for little commercial production. Reap and sell for profit.
Garlic is a well-defined highly profitable crop. For full profit, grow on a large scale and get full profit on full margin. Don’t worry about garlic plants, these are highly strong to bear the slaps of every weather.
4. Chilli (red or green)
Chilies can be used afresh or dried in powder form as well. It is considered easy to plant and grow. At first, is grown from seeds and then replant for most healthy production. It is a very diverse spice or you can say vegetable to grow and earn profit.
For full profit, you have to grow it on a commercial basis, just meet the weather and market to sell to earn a high profit. The right time and right place is the key to earning.
Also Read: Cheap Vegetable Garden Ideas For You
5. Peppermint
Peppermint or mint leaves are demanded fresh for cooking purposes. So, grow them in your kitchen garden, cut them every day fresh leaves, and sell them to earn a profit daily. You can make bundles or bunches of its leaves to sell for more profit.
It is very easy to grow, just insert already branches of mint into the soil of your kitchen garden. Add a little composite for fast growth. Then watering, and after a few days your mini crop will be ready. Just use it for your cooking and if you want to earn money then reap it in a little big place.
6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes growing is a healthy business but keep in mind the right time and right place. Prepare the soil add compost, and replant the already grown tomato plants. Keep in mind that you have to grow tomato plants from seeds and then replant them in the prepared soil on your lawn.
Tomatoes are profitable spice, it is the need of every cooking. It means that it is in high demand, meets the demand, and earns a profit. It is easy to grow plants but highly profitable.
7. Cucumber
Here is a suggestion to grow cucumbers in a portable system called aquaponics. In this system, you can grow cucumber during the whole year and can meet the need of the local market, and can earn money. In this way, cucumber is the best option to earn more and more money.
On the other hand, cucumber can be cultivated in almost every season with some tactics. Cucumber mostly is used for salad purposes and consumed almost in every home. So, meet the need of the market and earn money at a very less cost.
8. Mushrooms
Mushroom farming is possible in your kitchen garden even portable stands are available for steps to grow mushrooms in bags. It is a very profitable crop. On a large scale, you can earn billions of dollars in the season.
This crop is environment friendly, can be grown in low space, and the good thing is that there will be no cost of labor. On the other hand, it gives you a healthy profit.
Also Read; 12 Best Vegetable Garden Fence Ideas
9. Lemon
Lemon plants are available in nurseries, you can buy them with a pot, just keep them on your home lawn, and with time they will give you the lemon. You can meet the need of your home and with some plants of lemon, you can sell them in the market as well.
On a large scale, it can be grown in large fields for enormous production. In this way, a large revenue can be generated with this easy crop. In this crop, there will be a need for labor to pluck the lemons, fill in sacks, and load them on the carriage to go to the market for selling purposes.
10. Carrots
Carrots can be grown from seeds in the bags or pots you have in your kitchen garden. On the other hand, you can grow carrots directly in the prepared soil of your garden. Keep in mind a soft prepared soil is required for the better production of the carrots.
Carrots are very healthy, if you eye health issues then carrots juice is very good. It is enriched with vitamin E which has a medicinal effect on eye health. To earn a very handsome profit, one can grow carrots on a large scale.
11. Turnips
Turnips can also be grown from seeds very easily in the prepared soil of your kitchen garden. Grow process is easy, just add seeds to the prepared soil, and add compost as required. Then with a proper watering process, you can get a healthy crop. Just get them to the market when prepared and earn money by selling them.
12. Ginseng Roots
How profitable is the ginseng plant? The answer is very simple that it is profitable but it needs almost 5 to 6 years to become mature roots. After its maturity, it is valuable and profitable. It has many medicinal benefits, it is very healthy for men’s power. Ginseng roots are costly to buy.
A part of your kitchen garden should be contributed to ginseng plants. It needs time so keep patience to reap the benefits. You can grow ginseng roots in a large area for great earnings.
Ginseng roots as well as seeds are costly to buy. So this crop gives higher value to grow.
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13. Saffron
Is saffron difficult to grow? The answer is no because it is extremely easy to do and grow. It comes in the summer season and within a few weeks, its crops go ready for reaping. This crop is attractive and lucrative. It has many medicinal benefits so is very profitable for producers.
Saffron is an attractive plant from which you can create beautiful flower beds or dye clothes that you can sell for a big profit. Saffron is one of the most profitable crops you can grow.
B). Easiest Crops To Grow For Profit On A Large Area

Large area means field, it relates to fields of crops. Fields may occupy an acre or something like that. It is not necessary that a field occupied an acre, it may be small than an acre or more than an acre. In both cases, it comes in the ambit of agriculture.
So, agriculture on a large scale needs more budget, more machinery, or labor to do work in the fields. Here, the author will be going to describe those profitable crops that give your huge earning. Here is presented a list of the crops suitably very profitable for large areas;
- Wheat
- Rice
- Potatoes
- Peas
- Sugarcane
- Corn
- Sunflower
- Cotton
- Nuts (Almonds, Ground nuts, Pistachios, etc.)
- Fruits (Apple, Cherries, Guavas, Watermelon, Melon, Pumpkins, etc.)
- Vegetables (Carrots, Turnips, Reddish, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach, Pumpkins, Cucumber, Bell pepper, Red beat, and other veggies)
12. Berries (Strawberries, blueberries, Cranberries, etc.)
13. Lavender
14. Bamboo
According to the season and your locality, you can grow suitable crops. For example, in sandy areas, you can grow nuts like peanuts, and in fertile areas, you can grow rice, wheat, veggies, etc.
In a nutshell, all crops are profitable anyhow, you can choose those crops which are suited to you in your area, locality, and budget. Some crops need a high budget to grow like wheat, rice, and nuts. Few need low budget like tomatoes, spinach, coriander, peppermint, etc.
Anyhow for high profit, you need large areas like acres, and you also need a high budget to grow on acres. Occupation is very profitable, just jump, work hard, and earn a profit by selling your crops in the right market.
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