Welcome dear friends, I hope you’ll be fine. This article is for those friends who want to purchase a drawing tablet. Here you will find some pieces of advice to purchase a cheap and reliable drawing tablet.
This is the era of technology and electronics. Every work of life is going to be shifted on technological electronic devices. Friends, every sector of life now in need of technological electronic devices, here is a little detail;
Banking sector; totally on computers & laptops, internet banking, digital banking, and much more.
Education sector; linked with the latest technology, online classes, use of tablets & android phones for classes.
The freelancing sector is based on technological electronic devices including computers, laptops, cameras, digital devices, android HD phones, and much more.
Similarly, the Power sector is based on technology and electronics including grids, voltage, storage etc.
Now comes on drawing which is also a part of the education sector. In past, the drawings were made on papers or sheets with lead pencils or watermark colours or other related things.
Nowadays, drawing or any type of designing work is being done on technological electronic devices like tablets, laptops & computers, and even on android phone.
In past, the trend of drawings was on the papers or sheets with lead pencils or other colours. But, the trend has been transferred now on electronic technological devices like drawing tablets.
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In this article, you will find 10 mistakes to avoid to purchase a drawing tablet. These tips surely will help you at the time of purchasing.
1. Battery Backup.

Yes, guys, the first thing that you have to check in your device is battery backup. Battery backup is a very essential part of a tablet. When you are busy drawing something, you need not worry about battery backup.
How to know battery backup, just click on the product you want to buy. Then go to the description section, along with other details. You can check the battery timings of your drawing tablet. Good battery timing will please you on the time of working or drawing something.
What should be the battery timings of your product, it depends on the quality of the product. There are many drawing tablets can be directly plugin by using USB wire and needs not any kind of battery. It is your choice, either you want battery backup supported or direct plugin drawing tablet.
2. The screen size of the tablet.

The screen size of the tablet is a notable thing. All the drawings or writings will be made on the screen. if you want to enjoy your work then purchase friendly user screen size device.
The screen size of your drawing tablet matters because you have to do all kinds of your drawing works in the area of your device screen. It means that a big screen gives you a big canvas to do your drawing work.
Big screen size means a very good drawing work it should be between 12″ to 14″. Along with screen size, the screen must be writing friendly. It means that the screen must be flexible, writeable, and the result must be HD display or more than HD.
3. Pen for drawing.

Friends the third thing that is very essential to check at the time of purchasing of a drawing tablet is the pen or pencil along with the product. Pen stick is very essential to draw your drawing work on the Canvas of the screen of your machine.
The simple thing is that without a pen stick you can’t do your drawing work on the canvas of your device. So you have to check this pen at the time of purchasing your product. it has the key role in drawing works on the drawing tablet.
There may be different kinds of the pen, some may be long or some may be short. Anyhow you have to check the pen along with your product at the time of purchasing.
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4. Drawing software.

Friends, the very necessary thing which you have along with your product for the drawing work, is the designing software.
When you directly download via the internet they want money which is another topic after purchasing a product. So at the time of purchase, you have to check your desired software for working in your drawing tablet.
The softwares used in drawing works or designing works are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign etc. For drawing on the tablet you must have the related software for your work. So, keep in mind that your device should have built-in designing software.
5. Attachable with computers.

Friends, another notable point is that your drawing tablet must have the ability to attach with computers or laptops. Actually, after doing too many drawings on a small screen drawing tablet, there may be a thirst arise in your mind to work on the large screen.
For this, your drawing tablet must have extra ports to attach with computer or laptop . Extra ports of your device are essential to attach other devices for example computers, laptops, smartphone, USB flash or micro flashes. So at the time of purchasing a drawing tablet, you must keep in mind that your product should be attachable and have extra ports.
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6. Connectivity.

If you have an electronic device, for example, laptop, smartphone or computer, and it could not capable to connect with the internet then what question will arise in your mind, definitely the connectivity issue. Without connecting power of the internet, your drawing tablet or any other electronic device is untenable.
Now, what have to do, the point is that at the time of purchasing of your desired drawing tablet, you have to check its connectivity, either it can be connected with the Internet or not, the option must be the internet connection.
In this way, it is proved that connectivity is a big issue with your drawing tablet or any other designing device. You should have a focus on connectivity at the time of purchasing your drawing tablet.
7. Google Voice Translator.

Friends, there are many latest inventions or happening to the technology world and the one is Google Voice Translator which is a very essential part of your smart device.
With this latest invention, we can dictate our electronic device, for example, we can speak something in Google Voice which will be e converted into text form, this is a big invention so, we have to focus at the time of purchasing that Google Voice must be built in our desired drawing tablet.
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So that we can do our work or quickly write something. Almost Google Voice software is found built-in in all smart devices for example smartphones laptops even in our smartwatches as well. But at the time of purchasing a drawing tablet, you have to to take a check on Google Voice built-in software.
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8. Writing friendly.

Friends, your drawing device must be e writing friendly device, it depends on the resolution of your drawing tablet screen. And the touch system of your drawing tablet must be strong so it is the point to be noted that at the time of purchasing you have to focus on screen resolution and your device touch power.
Your drawing tablet screen must be sensitive in this way you can write on it or make your drawings on the screen in a friendly way.
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9. Colour of the device.

Colour of your drawing tablet is a minor thing because it makes your device attractive. There is not any function of colour in your drawing work or your device functioning. colour is the only choice of your mind. which colour you like you can buy your drawing tablet in that colour.
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10. Standalone ability.

standalone means that your device can stand on the table without any sport another way you can say that your device can stand on its legs, or the back of the device. So at the time of purchasing of your drawing tablet, you have to check its standability because it is also a good factor of a good product.
Every time you can’t put your drawing tablet in your lap sometimes you want to draw something in standing position, so your drawing tablet must have standability function.
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